Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Uni-Solve (or Me Solve The Sticky Pricetag Problem!)

Did you know that UNI-SOLVE can actually solve a household problem?

Besides being one of the best Barbie Band-Aid, IV3000 sticky tape, Animas Ping infusion site and Dexcom site adhesive removers in the world,

Oversized thumb not included

This little wipe can also remove these sticky, icky things.

From things like toys, mirrors, frames, glasses, dishes and presents without having to say words-that-make-you-want-to-wash-your-mouth-out-with soap.

Having a UNI-SOLVE wipe on hand makes more time to spend on naturally sweet people like these.

Which is perhaps one of those important silver-lining moments to savor in a world full of type 1 diabetes.

Because certainly, without type 1 diabetes in our lives, we would never know the power of a UNI-SOLVE.

Instead, we would just be doing a whole of this.


JudyJTG said...

I used uni-solve to remove the sticker from new dishes. It worked great, but it left a film that didn't come off when I washed the dishes. Do you have suggestions for me?

JudyJTG said...

I used uni-solve to remove the sticker from new dishes. It worked great!! But it left a film that didn't come off when I washed them. Do you have suggestions for me?