Saturday, September 15, 2012

School (or Making It Look Easy)

The first two weeks of school were stressful.  Not just on me, but on my children, their teachers and administrators.

After signing off on our 504s, drinking that much needed second cup of coffee and reflecting on our journey, I consider us lucky.

Yes, lucky.  Lucky indeed.

Why?  Because everyone on that list cares about doing the right thing and managing type 1 diabetes to the best of their ability so that my kids can achieve their best within their academic career.

A little bit of stress (well, a lot at times) seems like a small price to pay for an entire year of safety and success.

Today, when I dropped my girls off at their respective schools, I felt a bit of peace in knowing that we had once again established a team of caregivers.   People who would look out for my daughters and even my daughters themselves, who at this tender age also had a role to play of speaking up and taking ownership in parts of their care. 

Luck isn't just about something falling into your lap.  It is also about the result of an effort. 

If we hadn't put forth that effort to rally our team, hold the meetings, listen patiently and work together, we would have been in a much more unfortunate (the antonym of lucky) situation.

Yes, I am considering us pretty darn lucky indeed.

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