Time for shopping in PJs while sipping cocoa and staring at your computer monitors.
While you might be done with some of your big shopping, afterall, Black Friday was just a mere three days away, there are still some really cute things to be had.
Just checking on a few Type 1 Diabetes supportive websites, I discovered this little beauty for $24.99 at the American Diabetes Association website (and wow! are there some really cute things on there!!!).
Browsing a bit further, how about this cool travel gadget for a gentleman in your life? It is only $16.99!
Any children that you are shopping for might like this Owl Hat and Mittens Gift Set. This is so cute that I know two little Naturally Sweet Sisters that might actually tussle over who gets to wear it!
Or if you want to wear the JDRF logo and didn't know where to go to find a cool mug or shirt, check out the store.JDRF.org website for some really neat gift ideas.

If you haven't bought Christmas or Holiday cards this season, consider purchasing them from JDRF as well. There are many to choose from and all are adorable.

Plus, part of your purchase will go right back into that Christmas gift that we all want, a cure!
And finally, as you Cyber Shop, consider the idea of purchasing from stores that you know support our efforts in finding a cure for type 1 diabetes. In fact, after you are done shopping, send them an email through their customer service page to say that you shopped there BECAUSE of the idea that their company supports our families.
A few companies to look at are:

And our own partner for Naturally Sweet Sisters, Mybagrocks.com and Kari Fitzgerald!

The message of giving will continue long after the holiday is over and maybe, just maybe, even more people will recognize that we do need a cure for Type 1 Diabetes!
Happy Holiday Shopping!!!!!
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