In January, a tree fell on our house.
At the time, it didn't occur to me that having a tree fall on your house was eerily similar to having a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes land on your child.
I did exactly what I did the for both of my daughters' diagnosis, without thinking too much, rolled up my sleeves and learned all I could about trees-on-top-of-houses. I did that by rallying everyone that I knew and getting the names of the best tree-on-top-of-houses experts. Then I begged them to help.
Now, here we are at the end of February and while we finish up the tree removal process and start to think about finalizing the patch on the roof process, it suddenly occurs to me....
Not even by knowing all of the foremost diabetes-landed-on-my-child experts.

So, I sit here and as I type this 'ah-ha' moment out, I also sigh a little bit louder, feeling extra sorry for my kids and for a moment, feeling extra sorry for myself too.
It's not my happiest 'ah-ha' thought and part of me feels ashamed for unloading all of the sadness onto you, because this is supposed to be an optimistic kind of type 1 diabetes blog. The kind of blog that gives hope out daily.

sigh x2.
Maybe that is it (another ah-ha moment)... maybe the point is that I CAN'T REMOVE TYPE 1 DIABETES... but maybe the point is to focus on ALL OF THE EXPERTS THAT CAN. Maybe my lesson from this is to remember that the job of fostering HOPE is a big one. If we forget hope, we might forget to advocate. And things like trees would still be stuck to my roof. Or glimpsing the future, things like type 1 diabetes will never get the attention that it needs to become a moment of the past.
Certainly, all of those experts need us to continue to speak up and ask for their help - because one day, they WILL BRING US A CURE.
For that, I will continue to have HOPE.
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