Monday, February 11, 2013

Sick Day

Mom and Dad's room is always the place to snuggle and feel better.

The girls were sick last week. First the older one and then, about three hours later, the younger one. It was the kind of illness where nothing was specific in pointing to an obvious flu strain or cold virus. No fevers, no intestinal issues and no spots - thank goodness too.

Because no one wants spots.  Now, that is bad.

But there were lots of other things that came along with feeling sick.  There were things like high and low blood sugars, belly aches, head aches and ketones.

Ketones.  Those are bad too.

So doing what any parent and patient team would do, I advised the girls to drink a lot of carb-filled fluids, double up on their insulin, add in an extra nap and most importantly, to pay attention to this little guy.

Their DexCom Platinum G4 CGM (now renamed by the Naturally Sweet Sisters as 'Sigums' - with a soft letter g.  He is apparently a formal kind of guy - although he is wearing pink!)

Thankfully, by using all of the tools that we have, like Sigums, nothing worsened and after 24 hours of resting, even seemed to be a bit better. 

Thanks Sigums!

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Scott K. Johnson said...

Glad to hear everyone is feeling better. :-)

Naturally Sweet Sisters said...

Much better. Thank you Flu Shot!