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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We, The Undersigned - Diabetes Blog Week Post 2

Diabetes Blog Week - Post # 2:  Recently various petitions have been circulating the Diabetes Online Community, so today let's pretend to write our own.  Tell us who you would write the petition to – a person, an organization, even an object (animate or inanimate) - get creative!! What are you trying to change and what have you experienced that makes you want this change?


We, The Undersigned, agree to stop telling children that they shouldn't cry when you give them a (Circle One) shot/injection/blood draw/finger poke because they are "used to it".

We, The Undersigned, (Initial Here) _________  agree that if not immediately providing a cease and desist, the above said children will be allowed to poke us to see our reaction.

Print Name: _____________________  Signed Name: _______________


  1. Thankfully I've never run into this with my daughter... if I did, I might just have to punch that person in the throat

  2. Ha ha! We get this all of the time. Seriously, what are they thinking? I guess that is it, they are thinking NOT at all!

  3. Well said. As a nurse, I have to poke fingers & give injections frequently. A lot of my elderly patients tough it out & don't say anything, but there are certain patients that still shy away from the lancets or complain about having to get injections (I think they are all type 2 though, so they don't always get an injection.) However, when I have 20 patients to take care of, unfortunately, I can sometimes forget my patience & think this person just needs to get over it so I can move on to the next person so I don't run late. (I don't say that out loud, of course. I try to take them on their own terms, try to find the spot that hurts less, apologize when I don't, but it takes more time.) Long story short, when I have to stick my own finger because I feel low or swallow my own pills one at a time I am reminded of the pain of being a patient and the need for compassion and understanding.


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