Tubed, patch, and MDI, are all choices within #T1D world. While there may be strong opinions about what works best but the truth of the matter is #YDMMV (Your Diabetes Mileage May Vary - as my good pal, Bennet @BadShoe often says). This means that whatever you choose, for that moment, is what works best!
However, that doesn't take away the honest concern of how those special days will be for our loved ones living with T1d.
Will wearing an insulin pump detract from their moment?
Will there be room to carry supplies?
Will it be limiting to choose specific styles?
And for the love of all things fashion.... what if there are no pockets??????
This past weekend marked our very first prom. And I can share that no, her insulin pump did not detract from her dress, there was plenty of room for supplies - AND low blood sugar foods, not to mention that she wore the perfect dress and it definitely did not have pockets.
Best of all... none of those questions or answers, overshadowed the beautiful evening.
More importantly, she danced, she laughed and she made memories for a lifetime. Prom was exactly the way it should be as a milestone of high school for teenagers.
So how did we do it? Here are a few random tips for ensuring prom is perfect.
1.) Dress shop for the dress that you and your teen like best. Try not to think about T1D but instead focus on the moment at hand and enjoying the anticipation and excitement of the big night.
2.) While you are out shopping, stop by your favorite athletic store (we chose Nike) to select a pair of fitted, spandex volleyball or yoga style shorts. We tend to wear these types of shorts under almost all of our skirts and dresses anyway. It is more comfortable and allows a bit more freedom against accidental fashion faux pas. The added bonus to wearing these is that the pump fits securely in the front or side of the shorts. Just clip inward towards your body and the pump virtually disappears as the spandex material smoothly covers it.
3.) Speaking of shopping, this is a great time to grab a clutch. Look for something sparkly to match the style of the dress but also, check out the size of the bag. We have been known to remove blood sugar meter supplies from the usual case to loosely place inside of the formal wear clutch. This saves room and allows for low bg items to be added, all while still looking fashionable and trendy. Not to mention, that it is important for carrying a driver's license, debit card and a small amount of emergency cash. Oh and lipstick. You know, the important things!
4.) On the last site change prior to the dance, placement is everything. We try to rotate to flank, tummy or buttock. Placement will depend on the fabric of the dress and usually by then, we have an idea of how sheer, thick or beaded the covered area will be. It also helps to keep these site locations in mind as we know the length of the tubing and the intended location of shorts. If you are using Omni-Pod, this isn't a concern, but it is helpful to remember infusion site rotation.
5.) If you have a friend with extra pocket space, it is also a good idea to share low treats. Often, our daughters tag friends wearing sports coats and ask if they could hold a roll of glucose tabs. They have great buddies and to this day, everyone has been very agreeable. It has come in handy when on the dance floor. A couple of glucose tabs and lows immediately avoided.
Most of all, I hope you enjoy the night. This is a special time for everyone and it is nice to see T1d taking a back seat. I just wish all events could involve glittery dress up!